Agreement on Formation
15.10.2007 Agreement on Formation of the International Association of Literary in English Unions “word Without Borders”
On the formation of the International Association
Literary unions “word Without Borders”
Heads of writing organizations-participants of the International Literature Forum “Word Without Borders” (October 11-13, 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine), hereinafter-the Parties, guided by the Statute of the Organization of the United Nations on education, Science and culture ( UNESCO) that the world, which is based only on economic and political arrangements of Governments, will not be able to conquer unanimous, strong and sincere support of the people; It should be based on the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind,
By examining multilateral and bilateral cultural cooperation as an effective means of fostering peace and understanding among nations,
Realizing the importance of such cooperation to educate young people in the spirit of mu
tual trust, respect and tolerance, noting the special role of international creative contacts for development and enrichment of national literatures, agreed on:
Article 1
The Parties form the International Association of Literary Unions “Word Without Borders” (hereinafter-the association) as a mechanism of interaction on all issues of cooperation, which constitute mutual interest.