Agreement on Formation

15.10.2007 Agreement on Formation of the International Association of Literary in English Unions “word Without Borders”


On the formation of the International Association

Literary unions “word Without Borders”

Heads of writing organizations-participants of the International Literature Forum “Word Without Borders” (October 11-13, 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine), hereinafter-the Parties, guided by the Statute of the Organization of the United Nations on education, Science and culture ( UNESCO) that the world, which is based only on economic and political arrangements of Governments, will not be able to conquer unanimous, strong and sincere support of the people; It should be based on the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind,

By examining multilateral and bilateral cultural cooperation as an effective means of fostering peace and understanding among nations,

Realizing the importance of such cooperation to educate young people in the spirit of mu


tual trust, respect and tolerance, noting the special role of international creative contacts for development and enrichment of national literatures, agreed on:

Article 1

The Parties form the International Association of Literary Unions “Word Without Borders” (hereinafter-the association) as a mechanism of interaction on all issues of cooperation, which constitute mutual interest.

Decree of the President of Ukraine

7.7.2007 Decree of the President of Ukraine on celebrating the state
1. Awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of the 5th degree – Petro Perejannis – writer, Kyiv.

2. Awarded the Order “for merit” II degree-Shevchenko Anatoly Yakovlevich-writer, Kyiv.

3. Awarded the Order “for merit” III degree – Kravchenko Anatoly Ivanovych – writer, Donetsk.

4. The title of “honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine” – Pukika Stepanu Grigorevich – Professor of Carpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, People’s deputy of Ukraine and convocation, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, was assigned.

In the Name of the Future 2008

The first Polish-Ukrainian new literary seminar “literature on the verge of centuries and large socio-political changes in Ukraine and Poland” took place on December 6-8 in the far from Kyiv City Kosalini. It should be noted that the owners are well prepared for this event, in which the Polish side was attended by peršorâdnì writers: the head of the Union of Polish writers Marek Vavzhkevych, a famous poet and translator-Ukrainist Bogdan Strira, whose poems repeatedly We published on the pages of “universe” and different poetic anthologies, and recently came to the world a separate book, as well as famous poets and literary critics Leszek Zhulynsky, Michal Jagello, Andrzej Vashkevych and, of course, the real classic of the modern Polish Literature, author of translated books in Ukraine “pine nuts”, “Wandering Lights”, “Storm”, “time, guys, home” and finally “Sibiriad Polish”, the holder of the order of Yaroslav the Wise coincided Domino.

Mosaic of Road Encounters

Mosaic of Road Encounters
Trees called “Rebecca”…

Basil Dovlyku…

We do not hurry – circles on water

Swim innately, cleanly, unidly.

And shine the willow of wrinkled water

This incomparable, inimitable miracle.

and flow time, through the heart of time.

And milk from a jug of soul.

and touching the word. The word is the order,

Which I have to swim through a bottomless age.

And whispering, and the legions, and sadness.

And the web of my changing days.

And the snow flies – and as we are sorry,

Because it is cold in cosmic poverty.

To the glass I am cold rain,

And I’m stranded on the salt of the dense epoch.

On Awarding the National Prize of Ukraine

Committee on the National Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko

1. To approve the protocol of the Counting Commission of the Committee on counting and summarizing the results of secret voting of works and works, admitted to the third round of the competition for obtaining the national Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko in 2008.

2. To award the National Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko in 2008 for works and works which scored ¾ and more votes are present at the meeting of members of the Committee, such writers and artists:

The voices of Love Vasillivni, the writer – for the novel “Episodic Pampyat”;

Alexander I.

A in the Shower-Spring

Notes from the Jubilee evening of Oleksa Yushchenko

If it is September, and in the shower-spring, if the street is cloudy and cold, and the heart is sunny and warm if it is the day off and the TV shows eyes, and in the Column Hall of the National Philharmonic Society of Ukraine. N. Lysenko has no free space – so you are on the creative evening of a true poet!

This feeling has taken possession, probably, all who came on September 16 to the Philharmonic honor the Patriarch of Ukrainian literature Oleksa Yushchenko, who recently – August 2 – celebrated its 90th anniversary.